WordPress Website Help in an Emergency

WordPress Website Help

WordPress website help in an emergency situation is not something we would wish for anyone. In an ideal situation, a wordpress maintenance plan to keep wordpress software up to date alongside a rock solid wordpress backup and restore disastery recovery plan reduces the chances of a wordpress emergency to near zero levels. But in the real world, many people are either not great with computers in general or simply didnt know that wordpress websites run best when maintained properly and that not having a back up and restore system in place could even be an issue, let alone lead to a disaster where wordpress expert help is required.

There are many reasons that you can find yourself in need of wordpress help. Losing an entire wordpress website due to a wordpress hack, wordpress malware, human error such as the wordpress hosting not being paid and the account being deleted, someone accidentally deleting all the content from their wordpress website, etc are all possible and more common than we like to think.

Trying to get emergency wordpress website help or support when you need it so urgently is firstly very stressful to the person who owns the website. Secondly, downtime for a wordpress website can hurt financially as many wordpress websites do generate a direct income or at the very least people may not find your service or product when you are offline. Thirdly, a significant amount of downtime can affect your website negatively in the search engines. WordPress Search engine optimization may be required to get your website back to its original ranking in the search engine results pages.

The good news is that all of this could be a thing of the past by signing up to any of our wordpress maintenance packages.

If you are in a situation where you need wordpress website help urgently, theres a few different approaches you can take:

  1. Hire a company to help, we are available for one off small wordpress jobs at an hourly rate should you need wordpress help immediately.
  2. Contact your previous WordPress developer to see if they can help.
  3. Contact your hosting company to see if they can provide any information about the issue, and confirm if they have back ups and restore system in place for your site.
  4. Reach out to wordpress.org forums to see if another user has had your issue or can provide some guidance, however in an emergency, this could take days to get a response and you may or may not be speaking to an expert. Unfortunately, wordpress itself doesnt provide support for the wordpress CMS system, it is provided open source and free to use and install on any server, but at that point you are on your own, hence why we created Total WP Support!
  5. Check to see if your website has any back and restore plugins in place. You may get lucky and have back ups from a day or time that will fix your issue.

At the end of the day, prevention is always better than a cure. Especially when the cure needs to be administered in a stressful situation. At Total WP Support, we prefer to rely on our years of experience providing help for wordpress websites in virtually every situation you can think of. We’ve seen it all, and dealt with it all when it comes to wordpress website help. And most importantly, we keep wordpress emergency help from being something you have to face again. If there ever is a wordpress error or wordpress emergency, you will know exactly who to call and we will have a system in place to deal with it quickly and with the least damage to your websites reputation and without losing any of your wordpress websites content.

If interested in learning more about how we provide wordpress website help please reach out!

Contact Total WP Support for WordPress Website Help

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