New Client: | WordPress Maintenance

We are happy to announce that has joined the Total WP Support family, choosing our Essential WordPress Maintenance Plan which provides wordpress backups, wordpress maintenance, wordpress support, wordpress uptime monitoring and wordpress security… everything needed to keep a wordpress website running smoothly into the future.

wordpress maintenance plan online magazine

We are happy to announce that has joined the Total WP Support family, choosing our Essential WordPress Maintenance Plan which provides wordpress backups, wordpress maintenance, wordpress support, wordpress uptime monitoring and wordpress security… everything needed to keep a wordpress website running smoothly into the future.

No Kill is a wordpress magazine style site heavily focused on news/blog type of layout and overall structure. No Kill is clearly producing some excellent original and curated content, providing a unique and important viewpoint into the fashion world. Working on No Kill has been really interesting for us as this isn’t subject material we see very often. It’s always exciting learning completely new things.

Our first goal with this new website was to work on optimizing the site to load faster, especially over mobile phones. Through some advanced techniques including minification of html, css and javascript files and other caching optimizations we have been able to increase page load speed by 30%!!! One of the biggest improvements was the reduction of the overall media library by 37%, using the Smush plugin which optimizes images without losing image quality.

We did have a few hiccups during this optimization phase, which boiled down to issues around local caching. A “hard refresh” does the trick to clear out the old cache and reload the site fresh.

We look forward to working with into the future, helping them grow their online presence, provide ongoing support and guideance where needed and continue to hone wordpress performance/optimization, especially mobile.

wordpress maintenance plan online magazine

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