Featured Client: Spoonabilities Recipe and Foodie Blog

Geoffrey and Carlos have been clients with Total WP Support since we started back in 2016 and it’s a real pleasure to finally share their website in our Featured Clients section. 

Spoonabilities.com is currently on our WordPress Hosting Package and our Premium WordPress Maintenance Plan.

wordpress recipe website development

Geoffrey and Carlos have been clients with Total WP Support since we started back in 2016 and it’s a real pleasure to finally share their website in our Featured Clients section. 

You can find the Spoonabilities website at www.spoonabilities.com. It’s chock full of mouth watering recipes. The recipes are well laid out, easy to follow and have beautiful photography. 

help building wordpress recipe website
help building wordpress recipe website

It’s been a pleasure working with the guys over the years, and we’ve all learned a lot from each other that’s for sure!

Geoffrey is remarkably good at learning on the fly when it comes to managing a WordPress website and I’ve often joked that he’s going to have to start come working for Total WP Support soon. 

Over the years, the website has evolved and modified itself to meet the changing direction of their business. At one point, it had a huge ecommerce store with hundreds of products. It has been downsized since then and the focus has been shifted to food photography services. More info on their Food Photography services can be found here: 

It’s always an extra joy to help care for a website that has content that is of personal interest. Many times I’ve been inspired to cook a meal for dinner after working on the website during the day. 

I look forward to continuing to be of service moving forward with Geoffrey and Carlos.

For coming up on a decade now the Spoonabilities.com website has been on our WordPress Hosting Package and our Premium WordPress Maintenance Plan

Thanks guys!

help building wordpress recipe website

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