Emergency Support Stories

Treatment center wordpress website support

22 Mar: New Client: Pine River Institute | WordPress Support Package & Accessibility Plan

Excited to announce our new client onboarding today, Pine River Institute is a non-profit organization out of Ontario providing an incredibly important service to adolescents struggling with addiction.

Pine River has signed up to our Premium WordPress Support Plan so that we can take care of their ongoing maintenance, security, back ups, software updates and all the other daily and monthly maintenance requirements for a WordPress website.

best wordpress help

19 Mar: Best WordPress Help: Get the Support You Need Without the Headache

Let’s be honest—WordPress is amazing, but it can also be a bit of a nightmare when things go sideways and you need emergency help for a WordPress website. Whether you’re dealing with a website that won’t load, a mysterious plugin conflict, or just feeling completely lost in the maze of themes, widgets, and settings, you’re not alone. The good news? You don’t have to go it alone!

With the best WordPress help at your fingertips, you can get back to focusing on what really matters—running your website without pulling your hair out.

wordpress accessibility

01 Feb: Website Accessibility now required for all websites in Ontario, Canada

Major emergency update for all Ontario based websites — no matter the size, organizations of all sizes are required to submit documentation demonstrating that they are accessible every 3 years as per the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (“AODA”). That 3-year deadline was Dec 31st, 2023.

Contact us to get more information about our affordable and ongoing solution for your website accessibility compliance.

photography wordpress maintenance

28 Jan: New Client: Stanwycks Photography | WordPress Maintenance

We are happy to share that Stanwycks Photography has signed up for our Essential WordPress Maintenance Plan for three of their websites. Their main site is located at: https://stanwycksphotography.com/

Stanwycks Photography provides professional photography covering commercial, corporate, lifestyle, city and landscapes aas well as running photography courses. Their physical studio is located in New Orleans, Mississippi.

The owner, Vicki, came to us in an emergency situation where a previous wordpress support company had been paid to do maintenance and back ups on her site for the last couple of years, but when one of her sites went down it came to light that the company had not been doing any maintenance and there was no back up resulting in the loss of one of her websites. At this point, Vicki reached out to us for help and we quickly focused on first securing a full back up of each of her three remaining websites. Once that was done, we could breath easy and initiated our standard onboarding process for new WordPress maintenance clients.

We are so happy Vicki found us and we were able to help her through this stressful event and we look forward to working with Stanwycks Photography to maintain and improve their website moving forward.

board shop wordpress website development

15 Jan: New Client: Gyro Beach Board Shop | WordPress Maintenance

Gyro Beach Board Shop is located in Victoria, British Columbia and has signed up to our Professional WordPress Maintenance Plan. It’s always exciting having a new client that is geographically close to us and so far working with Gyro Beach Board Shop has been a real pleasure.

Looking forward to continuing to fine tune the site into their busy season and thanks again for choosing Total WP Support for your WordPress Support Team!

performance optiization for speed wordpress

02 Jan: WordPress Speed Performance Project: Arcane Bear

The Arcane Bear website provides investment tools, resource and educational materials in relation to cryptocurrency markets. The Arcane Bear website can be found at https://arcanebear.com.

This project was focused on speed performance. Speed scores were low in services like GT metrix and Google Page Speed Tests and using the site it was obvious the site was loading slower than necessary and was impacting user experience.

The solution was a multi faceted approach with an end result that the website now loads super fast! In performance testing the website went from a below average grade of C- to an A+ in GT Metrix!

02 Dec: Emergency Support Story: BFD Real Estate Website

Today’s story is a common case for us to see here at Total WP Support. And, unfortunately, completely preventable!

Building Family Dreams Real Estate is a real estate agency in Georgia, USA. http://buildingfamilydreams.com/

They came to us after their website was hacked and infected with malware. Not only was their website now blacklisted with Google, but it was also completely broken. Every page was effected, all the widgets were removed, the template files were all infected with literally thousands of malware pages. It was as bad as it gets!