WordPress Update to 4.3.1 Completed

WordPress 4.3.1 is now available. All Total WP Support clients have been updated to the latest version and all sites tested to ensure stability. It looks like another solid Wordpress update!

Wordpress Maintenance

WordPress 4.3.1 Update completed. This is a WordPress security update for all previous versions of WordPress.

The following WordPress Updates have been completed for all TWS Wordpress Maintenance Plan clients:

  • Updated to the latest version of WordPress.
  • All plugins updated to latest versions.
  • All themes updated to latest versions.
  • All frameworks updated to latest versions.
  • Websites tested to ensure stability with the updates.
  • Full WordPress website back ups of entire website before and after the updates, just to be safe.

It looks like another solid WordPress update for our WordPress Maintenance Plan clients:

  • Staying up-to-date and current as WordPress evolves is provided free as part of your ongoing Maintenance Plan with Total WP Support!
  • Also free of charge… if you see any bugs or issues with your site after this WordPress update please contact us immediately and we will fix things up!

About this WordPress Update:

This WordPress update addresses three issues, including two cross-site scripting vulnerabilities and a potential privilege escalation.

WordPress 4.3.1 also fixes twenty-six bugs, so no reason not to update asap!

We noticed one of the bugs fixed was the “funky menu bounce around” bug in google chrome on mac, so this is a welcome update for our own WordPress sites here at Total WP Support.

For more information on this WordPress Update: WordPress 4.3.1 Security and Maintenance Release