Featured WordPress Support Client: Billy Goats Photos

Word press Support Client

Bill Hirsch of Billy Goat Photos came to us in late 2015 with a website running on weebly that was in terrible shape. Not only was it aesthetically poorly designed, but it was also difficult to navigate and impossible for search engines to index properly.

The website was getting zero traffic, he was also paying way too much for a bunch of resources he didn’t need, such as duplicate hosting accounts, a photography specific website platform and a third party email system he wasn’t using.

The first thing we did was move him over to WordPress, built him a brand new website and then signed him up on our Premium WordPress Maintenance Plan so he could get the wordpress support he needed since he had never used wordpress before.

We were then able to get rid of all the extra stuff that was costing him a small fortune. After the streamlining of his accounts, not only was he paying less overall it was also much more simple to manage and understand what was going on! Plus he was getting top notch WordPress support for much less than he was paying before!!!

Since his new Word Press website was created, we have been providing ongoing support to continue adding new photo galleries and teaching him to create new blog posts in a search engine friendly way.

After a few months using our wordpress support, Bill decided to sign up to our monthly SEO Maintenance Plan and since that time, we’ve been working hard to get bill ranked better and better for the keywords he wants to show up for.

Bill is an amazing photographer and we highly recommend his services if you live in the Middle Georgia area.