Solving WordPress Problems Fast

Looking for Emergency WordPress Help?

Wordpress support and maintenance plansOur WordPress experts are available one-on-one to help with any type of emergency WordPress support you need.

Emergency WordPress help could include:

  • Crashed websites and websites not loading properly entirely or partially.
  • Plugin and theme conflicts.
  • Problems logging in.
  • Bug fixes, CSS tweaks and mobile friendly issues.
  • Lost pages or content.
  • 503 errors, 404 page not found errors, and other server errors.
  • Memory limit issues.
  • PHP upgrade/downgrade problems.

Get direct access to our years of WordPress experience. Let’s get your site back on track and solve your wordpress emergency!

Emergency WordPress Help


Our WordPress Emergency Help Consultants can help with any type of WordPress emergency support you need. 

WordPress Support is available to be purchased in one hour increments. Another option is that ongoing WordPress Support is available through our WordPress Maintenance Plans AND maintenance clients get our reduced hourly rate of $99/hr.

Total WP Support’s WordPress experts are here to put your wordpress emergency behind you.

Select number of hours of support required.

What makes our WordPress Emergency Help special?

Our WordPress Emergency Support Consultants can help with any type of WordPress emergency you are facing. We have been working in WordPress since 2008 and exclusively with WordPress since 2016.

It’s unlikely you are facing an issue we haven’t seen and dealt with before. We have experience in all areas of WordPress design, development, search engine optimization and accessibility. From design issues to code problems we have your emergency covered.

Our years of experience dealing with WordPress emergencies are at your service!

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WordPress Help is always just a phone call, email or chat away.

Ready For Emergency WP Help?

If you’re ready to have a chat about your WordPress website and fixing your emergency WordPress issue we look forward to speaking with you.